4 Quotes & Sayings By Elizabeth Fama

Elizabeth was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and has spent much of her life in foreign countries. She graduated from the University of São Paulo with degrees in English and Journalism. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Reader's Digest, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times. She lives in Southern California with her husband and son.

The thing is, when you’re with someone like Poppu - someone who sees straight through your battered facade and loves every bit of you, someone who makes you laugh until you pee your pants, someone who grabs you in a hug exactly when you need it - you don’t crave any kind of approval from strangers. You don’t need to “matter” in the world, because you already matter to the only person who counts. Elizabeth Fama
There was a smart, sunny girl out there right now somewhere, a Ray on a trajectory that would cross his path, a girl who made sense with him. I was just as glad not to know her this very minute, but she existed, and he would run into her, and with time I would accept it. Elizabeth Fama
Death is the privilege of human nature And life without it were not worth our taking Thither the poor, the unfortunate, and MournerFly for relief & lay their burdens down. Elizabeth Fama